
上肢外科研究会会員の英語論文、JOS, JBJS case connectorに発表

下記論文がJOS(Impact factor 1.154)、JBJS Case Connectorに掲載されました。今後も引き続き投稿していきましょう。

1. Karube T, Uchiyama S, Murai T, Yamazaki H, Kato H. Functional evaluation and DASH scores of a patient treated with second toe-to-thumb transfers for bilateral thumb amputations: A case report. J. Orthop. Sci. Jan 2016;21(1):97-99.


2. Itsubo T, Uchiyama S, Yamazaki H,Hayashi M, Nakamura K, Kuniyoshi K, Kato H.. Factors affecting extension lag after tendon reconstruction for finger extensor tendon rupture due to distal radioulnar lesion. J. Orthop. Sci. Jan 2016;21(1):19-23.


3. Yamazaki H, Akaoka Y, Komatsu M. Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty for Axillary Artery Dissection After Open Reduction of Shoulder Fracture-Dislocation. JBJS Case Connector. 2015-06-10 00:00:00 2015;5(2):e46.


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